Pediatric services are available at Rhee's Acupuncture. Dr. Olivia Rhee specializes in treating Kids. While at Acupuncture School, she had studied under and assisted the well-known professor/practitioner, Alex Tiberi, L.Ac.
Below are some commonly treated ailments with Acupuncture, Electrical Stimulation without Needles, Herbal Medicine, and Pediatric Tuina (therapeutic massage on Acupuncture Meridians):
-Abscess, boils, Acne, ADHD, ADD (attention deficit disorder), Allergies, Anxiety, Arrythmia, Arthritis, Autism
-Backache, Bone pain (Growing pains), Cholera, Cold, Conjunctivitis, Constipation. Dandruff, Deafness, Developmental Disorders, Diarrhea, Dwarfism, Dysmennorhea (painful menstruation, PMS),
-Energy (low, too high), Eye strain, Fever, Fissures, Fits/spasms, Hemorrhoids, Hay fever, Headaches, Heart problems, Heat stroke, Hiccough, Impetigo (Eczema), Incontinence of urine, Infectious diseases, Inflammation, Jaundice, Nosebleeds,
-Obesity, Osteochondritis dessicans, Rett's syndrome (Scoliosis), Pharyngitis, Pneumonia, Postural defects, Psoriasis, Ring worm (skin disorder)
-Sinusitis, Stravismus squint (cross-eye), Sweating abnormally, Teeth development (poor quality 1st set), Undescended testicle, Tetanus, Thrush, Thyroid, Tonsilitis, Travel sickness, Ulcer (mouth), Umbilical hernia, Verruca (Warts on feet), Vomiting, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms
-Other issues not mentioned above. The above list is long but not in any means complete. If you have any questions on improving your child's health, please give us a call.
Many studies have shown that Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Pediatric Tuina are effective treatments for Childhood diseases. Reference: Acupuncture in the Treatment of Children by Julian Scott and Teresa Barlow
If your child is afraid of needles, we have treatment methods that do NOT use needles (i.e. cupping, electrical stimulation machine, herbal medicine, moxibustion, tuning forks, color silks, pediatric tuina, etc.).
Thank you for considering us for your Pediatric health needs.
Below are some commonly treated ailments with Acupuncture, Electrical Stimulation without Needles, Herbal Medicine, and Pediatric Tuina (therapeutic massage on Acupuncture Meridians):
-Abscess, boils, Acne, ADHD, ADD (attention deficit disorder), Allergies, Anxiety, Arrythmia, Arthritis, Autism
-Backache, Bone pain (Growing pains), Cholera, Cold, Conjunctivitis, Constipation. Dandruff, Deafness, Developmental Disorders, Diarrhea, Dwarfism, Dysmennorhea (painful menstruation, PMS),
-Energy (low, too high), Eye strain, Fever, Fissures, Fits/spasms, Hemorrhoids, Hay fever, Headaches, Heart problems, Heat stroke, Hiccough, Impetigo (Eczema), Incontinence of urine, Infectious diseases, Inflammation, Jaundice, Nosebleeds,
-Obesity, Osteochondritis dessicans, Rett's syndrome (Scoliosis), Pharyngitis, Pneumonia, Postural defects, Psoriasis, Ring worm (skin disorder)
-Sinusitis, Stravismus squint (cross-eye), Sweating abnormally, Teeth development (poor quality 1st set), Undescended testicle, Tetanus, Thrush, Thyroid, Tonsilitis, Travel sickness, Ulcer (mouth), Umbilical hernia, Verruca (Warts on feet), Vomiting, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms
-Other issues not mentioned above. The above list is long but not in any means complete. If you have any questions on improving your child's health, please give us a call.
Many studies have shown that Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Pediatric Tuina are effective treatments for Childhood diseases. Reference: Acupuncture in the Treatment of Children by Julian Scott and Teresa Barlow
If your child is afraid of needles, we have treatment methods that do NOT use needles (i.e. cupping, electrical stimulation machine, herbal medicine, moxibustion, tuning forks, color silks, pediatric tuina, etc.).
Thank you for considering us for your Pediatric health needs.